Graham Ellis - my blog
Learning about our photoVoltaic panels

I'll tell you about this at ClimateFest on 9th September - you have that date in your diary, right? We're planning speakers, stalls, updates, local "names" sharing their own environmental audits and helping you with yours, and an "any questions" with a panel. From 13:00 to 17:00 in the Assembly Hall
If you would like to be more involved than just attending, please let me know or come along to the Town Hall at 18:00 on Tuesday 1st August for our Environment and Climate Working Group. New member will be welcomed with open arms.
Who would be a parish councillor?

I am a parish councillor - one of four representing the south ward of the town on Melksham Town Council. There are ...
... those things that we are embarrassed to be thanked for because it's not really our doing but we are given credit for.
... those things which we are criticized for by our fellow councillors or others, but perhaps that's because its something they should have done.
... those things where we know we have helped hugely and made a real difference, but very few others realise. It could be as simple as bringing something to someone's attention, or long term support.
... those things that make people think we're wonderful because a difficult choice that goes their way, and those things that make people think we're ghastly because we make a decision for the wider community rather than for them personally, or where it's not in our remit, the law, available time, expertise or budget to help.
... those things that we enjoy doing, but people don't think we should enjoy - so get thanked for to excess ... and those things that are thankless tasks which people feel we should enjoy.
... those things that are very important for people but are emotionally draining, and because they are personal and include privacy issues, we can't even share with our closer colleagues.
... those things where we have failed to pick up on something and with hindsight regret that, or where we look back with hindsight and wonder if a decision was the right one or not.
... those things we have followed up, but forgotten to get back with a report /outcome to the person or people who raised it
... those things we would love to do, but now that we're elected councillors rather than ordinary members of the public we can no longer say or do - enough of those make it make us wonder if we should really be a councillor
... those important things that are technically in the public domain, but are well hidden and not explained, and which we may decide it's easier to let sleeping dogs lie.
... those things which in our enthusiasm we over-do it when we should let it go or leave it to our staff team.
... those things which we say (or write) in our keenness which unthinkingly cause needless hurt and concern to others.
... those things where we claim to be experts (the good witch) and put ourselves forward where in reality the others around us have an expertise we hadn't appreciated, or where we need to consider what our predecessors have learned already.
... those things where we look at a small and practical project and then let our desire to do even better have us adding to the project so that it gets out of hand on scope and cost, sometimes loosing the original intent to meet a need, sometimes going way outside intended budget, often extending the time scale considerably, and probably loosing the whole project in the process.
... those things where the most local of needs does not align with the less local needs, or the needs of our political affiliation.
... those things that we know need attention, but we fear raising because all we'll do is infuriate others, or we don't raise because we're taking a break from council stuff.
... those things that we could do, but as unpaid volunteers we wonder if we really should be spending our own money and time in so doing.
OK - overall, I enjoy it - where I can help and know in my heart I have done so, the satisfaction is rewarding. And being retired, this sort of community activity helps me keep my mind (and body) active and it provides interaction with a large and social group with a general approach of betterment of the community. And I am always learning; many views and overarching principles (environment, openness, equality) are fixed and unlikely to change. How they are implemented can and does update, sometimes with significant alteration. Please help keep me informed and learning - you my readers and our residents are my lifeblood.
Illustrtation - a still from the Town Council video (on Facebook) of last Monday's meeting
Published Friday, 21st July 2023
Transport Focus - and Melksham train tickets

Most railway stations in our area have ticket offices where staff sell you tickets, answer queries (such as "what times are the trains coming back" and "can I travel on the xx:xx train with an off peak ticket"). Melksham is different - we only have a ticket machine, rather than a member of staff. It is hard for newcomers to use, and only offers a limited range of products.
There is a proposal under public consultation to close almost all remaining ticket offices in England (even Paddington!) and that lasts just into the middle of next week, with closures slated to be completed by the end of next year. With 13% of ticket sale now being from ticket office staff when it used to be over 80%, of course things need to change (and indeed have already) but what we're left with is a how to best help that remaining 12%, many of whom (for various reasons) cannot easily of comfortably switch to electronic means. If the ticket offices all closed, would those people happily change? Under the current alternatives - NO! - as evidenced by the significant number of people I speak with in Melksham who do no use our station, citing they catch the train from Chippenham, Westbury or Bradford-on-Avon so they can get their ticket from a person..
Is the answer to save ticket offices then - perhaps even against the trend open one at Melksham? It could be, or it could be that the solution here (in Melksham) is ...
1. To simplify the fare system so that it's easy to understand
2. To update the ticket machine to that it's usable in bright sunlight and rain
3. To reprogram the ticket machine to make it easier and quicker to use, perhaps with an interactive conversation mode with a regional specialist
4. To make it clear that passengers unable to purchase their ticket before they join the train may do so from the Train Manager without risk of penalty
5. To introduce a "Station Ambassador" role to provide help, information and support to customers.
To give readers an idea, currently staffed stations with ticket offices in the area include Chippenham, Trowbridge, Bradford-on-Avon, Westbury, Bath Spa, Swindon, Warminster and Frome, all of which are proposed to close. The 10 nearest UN-staffed stations to where we live at present are as follow (sorted by number of passenger journey tickets to and from that station - figures just precovid):
74534 Melksham
53368 Freshford
42798 Bruton
29768 Dean
24396 Avoncliff
19536 Maiden Newton
17004 Dilton Marsh
7698 Yetminster
3498 Thornford
3090 Chetnole
Melksham, Yetminster, Thornford and Chetnole are single platform station and have fewer trains calling there (current data) than the other unstaffed stations listed, all of which have two platforms.
On Wednesday (19th July) I was at the Transport Focus board meeting in Bristol (picture) looking at many national and sub-national train and bus issues and it was wonderfully informative and an example of an excellent and useful meeting in public. The sort of meeting that's a real pleasure to attend. You can watch it back at should you wish to do so.
Published Thursday, 20th July 2023
A long and techincal one

In particular, a thank you to the councillor who called me to follow up and exprssed his personal regret at overstepping the mark. Noted, and thank you. If (in the heat of the moment) I said anything I should not have done, I extend my apoloies too. I wasn't aware of my doing so at the meeting, but have since received inputs concerning my comments about the absence of the staff members who had crafted text in agenda items from the meeting at which we were to discuss and being asked to adopt their text. So whilst I still feel it was in order for me to criticise the fact that we were being asked to go forward with a proposal in the absence of it's author, I should not have expressed that criticism in a way that shared the reason for absence, which without permission to share was an invastion of the personal privacy of that staff member. The written record on my online page has been corrected, and I apologise to that staff member for the concern caused.
* I was relieved that the Social Media and Communications Policy was put back to a subsequent meeting to give is proper time to consider it, and I have been promised that the recording of Monday night WILL remain available online until (at least) the minutes have been approved at the next full council meeting. At
* I remain disappointed at the lack of progress from the Town Council (or feedback on it if a lot of background work has been done) during the three months allocated to waymark our direction on the Blue Pool, where there is a window of opportunity to plan forward for the town with both the Blue Pool and adjacent and attached Assembly Hall. I proposed that the Friends of Melksham Assmebly Hall, who have worked informally to come up with an example of what could be done, and what FoMAH members feel would be a good idea, should be given a remit to carry on the work for the council in the apparent absence of progress from them. Cheeky, really - FoMAH isn't an elected body and of course the council and the councillors you chose at the last elections are the responsible body. I couldn't have expected them to pass over any authority though more of a tone of "thank you" and less of a tone of indigation and "that's our job" would have been appreciated. Anyway - some effect in the right direction there. Further writing to follow to take things positively forward. Accompanying picture - Blue Pool roof As an aside - a HUGE "thank you" to the FoMAH team who have contributed so far to the example of what could be done. This wonderful volunteer enthusiasm is so much appreciated and can help move us councillors toward a well informed decision for the town. Presenation is at
* It's been standard practise where members of the public are present - especially where there are several on the same topic - to bring that item forward in the agenda as a politeness to members of the public who might not want to sit there for up to three hours. I was surprised and disappointed that this convention was not followed on Monday - though it did mean that our public saw the council in action more than the othewrise would, and that cannot be a bad thing.
* There were two matters late in the aganda that were of confidentail nature. One we took and the outcome was positive. The other was time dependent and was lost; hard work by other councillors had gone into it (thank you to them) and my understanding is that work will go forward as an element of the neighbourood plan. I personally am happy with the detail in there, and secure in the knowledge that it will come to further (and public) consulatation before being adopted. Of ocurse I cannot speak for what my councillor colleagues would have said the other night, but I guess it would have been none-contraversial and indeed the hard work done by fellow councillors has (in my view) resulted in a brilliant plan element that will help take the town and area forward.
Published Wednesday, 19th July 2023
Electronic communication policies - time to reflect

Two wrongs have resulted in a right - for the moment.
Appropriate information availability to the public (and even to town councillors) about what's going on in Melksham, and public and councillor feedback on it, is one of my key strategic drivers.
An agenda item for last night's Full Council meeting "To review and adopt a Social Media and Electronic Communication Policy" with a proposed policy new to my eyes in the agenda pack, source undeclared was wrong in that it did not give an adequate opportunity for questioning, consideration and indeed consultation.
Last night's agenda was a very full one, and there was not (never going to be?) enough time to consider everything - wrong as these things should not be set up to fail.
On the Social Media and Electronic Communications policy, I was going to propose that we defer adoption of the policy until we had been given time to question some elements with the author, perhaps suggesting improvements and listen to wider views. In the end, 10 p.m. came and this item was lost. wrong that it was being put through without adequate discussion, wrong that the meeting was overloaded but right that we now have a chance to start by learning from the authors when they are available as to the reasoning behind certain measures before we vote in them.
Scroll Down to find my post of a couple of days ago that includes the full text of the proposal
I am NOT in favour of a free for all where everyone can say what they like, but neither am I in favour of a set of tight rules that suppress useful public information and views without good cause, making the roles of staff members as well as councillors difficult, and detaching our local democracy from our community to the detriment of all.
The inclusion of the supporting document for the "Hydropower System Feasibility Study" which was in last night's agenda pack will no longer be possible. "Communications from the Council will meet the following criteria" ... including "not contain content knowingly copied from elsewhere, for which we do not own the copyright". We do not own the copyright on that document (there's someone else's copyright on there) although we have permission to share it
Communications must "not contain any personal information" and "personal information on to other people or groups outside of the Council, this includes names, addresses, email ..." so that excludes the names and email addresses of the police officers in the police report presented last night.
"Do not forward personal information on to other people or groups outside of the Council, this includes names" so that means that people subject to the policy cannot say "get in touch with your MP who's Michelle Donelan"
"not contain content that is knowingly unlawful, libellous, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually oriented or racially offensive" in communications from the council. Good - but nothing to stop content that is knowingly untrue; I believe I have examples - not sure if I believe "The Council will always try to use the most effective channel for its communications" from within the policy itself, as the examples above seem to rule out effective communications in the future - a policy against itself!
Perhaps I am overthinking this - but I am looking not only to our current team, but towards the legacy it would leave to a future team who perhaps are not less scrupulous and more looking to take the opportunities of holes offered by a poor policy than the current team.
Published Tuesday, 18th July 2023
Blue Pool and Assembly Hall

On the Town Council side, our Clerk is waiting to hear back from a quantity surveryor. I don't know if that's from the initial approach or with a final report.
On the Friends of Melksham Assembly Hall side, a huge amount of work has been done and we reported back on that tonight. Our presentation and supporing document is at and you can see the huge amount we have done.
But there should not be sides - it should be moulding into a partnership. It's my view that the Town Council needs to step things up a bit or it will fail to meet the deadline it set itself, and to be a partner and not a hurdle.
Published Monday, 17th July 2023
Sneaking in a policy that stifles sharing?
Update - 18th July - the meeting ran out of time and the consideration of this issue was, therefore, deffered. See (here) for new article and comment.
Much of it is good, but I have serious concerns. It appears to limit what council staff and councillors can say, even in terms of sharing information which is available in public. It confirms the right of the council to access councillor's emails in certain circumstances, while failing to define the limits on that. It confirms, correctly, the council's right to remove material in the case of some types of breach, but it does not state anything about material validly published being retained, allowing the council to delete and edit as it wishes. It allows some categories of posted information to be published and remain which we probably would not want there in The Council's name. There is a lack of clarity in whom it applies to.
The proposed policy "appeared" for the first time on Tuesday evening (12th June) on pages 147 to 149 of the 219 page agenda pack of the second of two full council meetings to be held the following Monday evening. There is no explanatory text, nor originator's signature. By Friday, I had established that the policy was written by an officer (not our communications officer) with amendments by our town clerk. It appears to be based on a mature template. The Town Clerk has not been available from Wednesday, and both she and the officer concerned are not available on Monday and will not be at the meeting to address queries and concerns.
If I were being a "Drama Queen", I might suggest that this new policy is being sneaked in with the intention of it being adopted, unnoticed, during a busy meeting, and with an aim of reducing the availability of public information from your council and councillors. To give lie to any such suggestion, I will propose that we defer adoption of the policy until councillors have had a full chance to understand some of the elements and reasons for omissions, and submit and agree amendments. It can then come back, as a policy which is strong and clearly does not infringe basic democratic rights, benefitting from the inputs and ideas the multitude of skills in your councillors and staff such as the officers concerned with communications.
Published Saturday, 15th July 2023
BBC "Any Questions" in Melksham
UPDATE 16.7.2023 - excellent show. Superb publicity for Melksham and our team. I even got to ask a question (on railway station ticket offices) at (here) ... I emailed overnight (Friday) to Any Answer and they called me up during the discussions on the show ... full segment on station ticket offices at (here). Original post follows ...
It will be repeated at 13:10 tomorrow (Saturday 15th July) and that will be followed by "Any Answers" after the 14:00 news with Anita Anand hosting a follow up phone-in.
Big "Thank You" to Terri Welch for suggesting to the BBC that they come to Melksham, and to the Town Council for providing such a suitable venue. Please listen in to hear speakers from across the region answer questions on current topics from local residents. Will questions be asked on the sharp rises in mortgages that many of you are facing, on the difficulty of finding an NHS dentist, on how to nurture British tennis players for Wimbledon, or whether cluster bombs should be made available to Ukraine? Perhaps a question will be asked on the BBC's current issues with the personal lives of their presenters?
As I write, tickets are still available at TicketSource ( [link] ) and I look forward to seeing friends there. Or, please, listen on line. It should be an interesting evening.
Published Thursday, 13th July 2023
CouncilSpeak - Abbreviations

A&A - Assets and Amenities Committee
AGM - Annual General Meeting
ASB(O) - AntiSocial Behaviour (Order)
AH - Assembly Hall
AHWG - Assembly Hall Working Group
BAU - Business as Usual
BOA - Bradford-on-Avon
BP - Blue Pool
BRICKS - Charity number: 1183118; not sure what it stands for
CATG - Community Area Transport Group (Now LHFIG)
CCS - Crown Commercial Services
CCTV - Closed Circuit Television
CIC - Community Interest Company
ComDev - Community Developement Committee
CPT - Community Policing Team
CPRE - Council for the Presevation of Rural England
ECWG - Environment and Climate Working Group
EcDev - Economic Development and Planning Committee
EGM - Extraorindary General Meeting
FOI - Freedom of Information
FoMAH - Friends of Melksham Assembly Hall
GWR - Great Western Railway
HD - Hugh Davies (Head of Operations)
KGV - King George Fifth
LHFIG - Local Highways Footpaths and Infrastructure Group
LR - Linda Roberts (Town Clerk)
LTP - Local Tranport Plan
MELK - Sometime abbreviation for Melksham
MH - Melksham House
MKM - Melksham (Rail Industy abbreviation)
MP - Member of Parliament
MRDG - Melksham Railway Development Group (now MTUG)
MRUG - Melksham Rail User Group (now MTUG)
MTC - Melksham Town Council
MTUG - Melksham Transport User Group
MWPC - Melksham Without Parish Council
NALC - The National Association of Local Councils
NP - Neighbourhood Plan
NPII - Neighbourhood Plan 2
NPPF - National Planning Policy Framework
NR - National Rail
O247 - Option 24/7
PC - Police Constable
PCC - Police and Crime Commissioner
PCSO - Police Community Support Officer
PWLB - Public Works Loan Board
RACI - Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed
RDG - Rail Delivery Group
RFO - Responsible Financial Officer
SEMH - Social, Emotional and Mental Health
SEN(D) - Special Educational Needs (and Disabled)
SID - Speed Indicator Device
SLCC - Society of Local Council Clerks
TC - Town Council
TH - Town Hall
TIC - Tourist Information Centre
TOC - Train Operating Company
TVM - Ticket Vending Machine
TW - TransWilts
TWHC - The Well House Collection
TWSW - TravelWatch SouthWest
VAT - Value Added Tax
WC - Wiltshire Council
WCC - Wiltshire County Council (now WC)
WSO - Wiltshire Swindon and Oxfordshire
WWDC - West Wilts District Council (superceded)
WWRUG - West Wiltshire Rail User Group
Tempted to add links to all of those. Haven't, but please ask me about any of them!
Published Wednesday, 12th July 2023
Soundbites - about me

In April 2021, I wrote:
* I have lived in Melksham for over 20 years (Wiltshire for 40 years) and love the town and people
* I also ran a business here in the South Ward from which I am recent retired
* I live in the ward I am standing to represent (no parachute to a "safe seat"!)
* I am only standing for the town council as I beleive that role will take a great deal of my time to do properly. Even though retired, I am aware that I could take on too much and be too thinly spread, which is not my style.
* I am standing as an Independent candidate; I have no electoral connection or arrangement with other candidates, but I will work closely with all others over the term of office - I have a track record in doing that for the good of Melksham.
* Since my wife and I moved to the area in 1999, we have been actively involved with community and projects of immediate and ongoing benefit to Melksham. I am best known for my work on public transport, helping to regain a more appropriate train service and ensure buses were not slashed back. This work has brought me national awards, but the real reward is seeing people benefitting from the improved service - with 25 times the number of journeys being made
* I was elected President of the Chamber of Commerce (usually a one year term) and held the post for seven years.
* I am looking to represent you for the full term of the next four years with a view to carrying on for the following 4 years too. We are going to see changes like we have never see before during this period.
* I have never stood for election to any town, parish or county election before, nor served on any through co-option. I have, though, attended many meetings and worked well with councillors of all political colours, partnering, promoting and achieving causes for the common good.
* Running a council is running a business - looking after staff, volunteers and customers. And I have run a customer facing business in Melksham with an incredibly low staff turnover, which rose to be no.1 out of 16 in customer reviews in Melksham.
* During the campaign, I delivered information door to door, happily talking with people I met when out and about, wrote to the local newspaper, make my case online. I was available on the phone or in person if people want to meet ("my garden or yours?", during covid). I was Delighted to hear from people and become better informed. But I did not knock, uninvited, on doors. The same avaialbility applies, now, after the election. I am very much available; it would be exceptional for me to leaflet everyone again, but please get in touch - I'm often around on foot or bicycle and I'm one of your two councillors who lives in the ward.
* I openly publish my views, my philosophy (see top links on this page). Rarely a turncoat, I can be swayed by good logic, changing times and circumstances, and the common good. Unlikely to change my views or standards just to win election!
In July 2023, I remain here and approachable
Published Tuesday, 11th July 2023